

Ukrainian students pay a courtesy visit to President NAGATA

On September 9, ten Ukrainian students, who have enrolled at the University of Tsukuba, paid a courtesy visit to President NAGATA Kyosuke. Vice President for Student Affairs OTA Kei, Vice President for Education KATO Mitsuyasu, Vice President for Global Affairs BENTON Caroline F., and Director for Ukrainian Student Support Professor USUYAMA Toshinobu, were also present and met with the students.

Firstly, President NAGATA addressed that the students would contribute to building good relations between Japan and Ukraine, and that they would foster friendship regardless of their nationality, as there are students from many different countries studying at the University of Tsukuba. Then, Mr. Kyryliuk Andrii, the first student to arrive at the University, made a statement on behalf of the students, thanking the University of Tsukuba for its initiatives and saying that he would like to use this opportunity to expand his horizons and try to become a bridge between Japan and Ukraine.

An exchange of views followed, with the Vice Presidents OTA, KATO, and BENTON offering encouragement for a fulfilling campus life, such as encouraging the students to experience the essence of Japanese culture like Noh, and to promote exchange with Japanese students through club activities, etc. Finally, Director USUYAMA said strongly, "If you need help, don't hesitate to talk to us. We will do our best to support you."

University of Tsukuba plans to continue accepting students from Ukraine from now on and will continue to support students who seek to continue their studies in Japan.

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