University Library
The University of Tsukuba Library is dedicated to be the core of academic information through cooperation with the local community, research laboratories and educational organizations in Japan and overseas.
The Libray consists of the Central Library and four specialized libraries (Art and Physical Education Library, Medical Library, Library on Library and Information Science, and Otsuka Library). They are managed in a unified administrative system for collecting materials and a completely open stack system. The Library opens seven days a week and provides a variety of services, including well-developed reference services. The Library continues to strengthen its collection, resources and services in order to become an even more attractive and reliable library.
Digital Library and the Tsukuba Repository
The library actively collects research results such as academic papers including theses produced by the university's researchers and makes them available electronically. In addition, some of the library's rare collections are also provided online.
Through the library's website, the faculty and students can access e-journals and databases, make book reservations, renew loan period, and request copies of materials from other libraries.
The doors are open to communities and citizens for Lifelong Learning
The library is open to the general public as well. People can use the library and loan materials. We also welcome visits from various groups and students, possibly future students of the University of Tsukuba. Volunteer staffs provide general guidance, reading service, and support in foregn languages. The library also holds rare-collection exhibitions open to the public.