

Credited Auditors

Non-degree Student (Credited Auditors)

"Credited Auditors" is a lifelong education program that allows the public including working professionals to study part‐time and for the university to evaluate their learning outcomes.
Enrolled auditors can take courses offered by programs at the University of Tsukuba, and the university gives them a credit if they complete a course.
A broad range of courses are available, and everyone is welcome to learn as a credited auditor.

1. News

Application Guidelines (AY2025) has been released

Online class guidance

2. Application

Undergraduate Program

  • Extra Course Application
  • ?Details regarding the additional course enrollment application for the 2025 academic year are scheduled to be announced in late May.

    * Those who have completed the enrollment procedure as a non-degree student for the spring semester may apply for additional course enrollment for classes offered in the fall semester of the same academic year. However, additional enrollment is only allowed for courses offered by the undergraduate school. Applications will be accepted only through the online application system during the designated application period. Submissions by mail or in person will not be accepted.

Graduate Program

  • Extra Course Application
  • ?Details on the Additional Course Application for AY 2025 are scheduled to be announced in late May.

    * Students who have completed the enrollment process as Non-Degree Students (Graduate School) for the Spring Semester may apply for additional courses offered in the Fall Semester of the same academic year. However, only courses offered by the Graduate School are eligible for additional course applications.
    Applications will be accepted online only during the designated application period. Submissions by mail or in person will not be accepted.
  • ?Application Form(Graduate)

4. Campus Map

5. About Issuing Certificates

If you wish to apply for a certificate, please contact us at the email address below.
E-mail: gm.kkikakugrp#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp
(Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending email.)

6. Contact

About Application procedures for Credited auditor
Educational Renovation Support, Department of Educational Promotion
Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 ~ 12:15 / 13:15 ~ 17:00
E-mail: gm.kkikakugrp#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp
(Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending email.)

(Except Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays and on those dates the University of Tsukuba hold events.)