Code of Ethics on Education
December 20, 2011
Approved at the Eighth Meeting of the Undergraduate Education Council of the University
Approved at the Eighth Meeting of the Graduate Education Council of the University
Code of Ethics on Education at the University of Tsukuba
The University of Tsukuba aims to be an open university in every sense. With its proactive initiatives to create a flexible education and research structure as well as a university system for the needs of the next generation, the University of Tsukuba is now a frontrunner of university reform in Japan. Universities are expected to act as bases of knowledge that hold the key to balanced development of human society. As a comprehensive university, the University of Tsukuba is capable of developing a wide range of educational research dealing with all aspects of knowledge. By setting "originality" and "independence" as the core educational concepts, our goal is to make students take the initiative for solving problems in the world. We established the "University of Tsukuba Education Standards (hereafter, "Tsukuba Standards"),"*1 as a guideline in order to achieve the goal. Faculty members need to comply with the following code of conduct*2 to meet the guideline.
- Faculty members strive to develop every student's individuality and talents, and endow students with a rich sense of humanity and creative intellect as well as work with them to grow the shared base of knowledge.
- Faculty members strive to respect student identity, promote their personal development and serve their best interests.
- Faculty members strive to continuously improve the educational curriculum and methodology from general education to specialized education while supporting students' self-study.
- Faculty members strive to clearly set a study guideline and grade evaluation system as well as adhere to a fair grade evaluation based on the study guideline.
- Faculty members strive to consult with students sincerely and closely, and be open to their ideas and comments while keeping their personal information confidential.
*1: The Tsukuba Standards articulate the educational goals of the university based on its founding principles, and the path to achieve them. They consist of the following three divisions: General Education, Undergraduate Education and Graduate Education.
*2: Among this code of conduct, Article 1 defines the guideline for the whole, Article 2 ensures to respect student identity and protect the best interests of the students, Articles 3 and 4 set the obligation for continuous educational improvement, and Article 5 ensures to protect the personal information of students.