SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series: Launching and Course Orientation
On May 26th, 2022, the Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development (CRICED), University of Tsukuba (UT) held the Launching and Couse Orientation on the Teacher e-Training Series under SEAMEO Secretariat (Online with 7219 registrants on 35 countries). On the opening, Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua Valenzuela, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, acknowledged CRICED's activities as the most active institution in all affiliate members, Mr. KOGIRIMA Atsushi, Director for Office for International Strategy Planning Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, explained Japan-ESD awards for SEAMEO and acknowledged CRICED which has been engaging in several projects under MEXT, and Dr. Caroline F. Benton, Vice President of the University of Tsukuba, acknowledged collaborations between SEAMEO and MEXT, and mentioned UT-CRICED pilot courses in the year 2021 entitled "Mathematics Education to Develop Students Agency I & II" (Total 3100 registrants on 22 countries) by Dr. ISODA Masami (Director of CRICED) with the collaboration of leading researchers in 7 countries.
On the course orientation, Dr. IDA Yoshiyasu, Dean of Faculty of Human Sciences, explained the course "Disaster Prevention and Education in Asia: Perspectives from Geography Education" (1499 registrants on 18 countries), Dr. KAWAGUCHI Jun explained the course "Constructivism in Education: Perspectives from International Baccalaureate" (2083 registrants on 27 countries), and Dr. ISODA explained the course "Mathematics Education to Develop Students Agency III" (1542 registrants on 29 countries). For the ways to access these online courses, Mr. Diego Solis Worsfold explained the course management under CRICED's website for free and Dr. OHNIWA Ryosuke introduced JV-Campus MEXT-Tsukuba project.
These courses were prepared through the collaborations of 14 leading institutions in 11 countries and registrants are teachers, teacher educators and researchers who may contribute the establishment of the international standards on teacher education on their practices. The courses began to deliver from May 28th.

(Screenshot of online orientation: From Top Left; SEAMEO-Director Ethel, UT-Vice President Benton, MEXT-Director Kogirima, SEAMEO-Deputy Director Kritsachai Somsaman, Prof. Ida, Prof, Kawaguchi, Prof. Isoda, CRICED-Researcher Diego, Prof. Ohnisa, and SEAMEO-Knowledge Management Maneger Piyapa Su-angavatin.)