

"The JICA Partnership Program for the Stop Accident Fatality rise by EMS development and Road safety (SAFER) Project" kicked off in Laos

On July 21, 2021, the University of Tsukuba (project representative) joined in the"JICA Partnership Program for the Stop Accident Fatality rise by EMS development and Road safety (SAFER) Project" kick-off event in Laos. The University was represented by project manager Dr. SUZUKI Takaaki, Vice-Chief of the International Medical Center at the University of Tsukuba Hospital.

This event was attended by representatives of (from Japan) the University of Tsukuba, JICA, and the Japan Research Institute for Social Systems (JRISS) as well as (from Laos) the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Mittaphab Hospital, Mahosot Hospital, Setthathirath Hospital, the University of Health Science of Laos, and rescue teams. Cooperation among organizations was confirmed and discussions on project facilitation in the COVID-19 era were conducted.

This is in addition to an inaugural event held in Japan with JICA and JRISS on July 6. At this moment, project execution has been confirmed in both Japan and Laos.

(Project summary)
This project has three goals: establishment of a Command & Control Center (the first such center in Laos), development of an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Support System, and training for Emergency Care Professionals. This project provides technical assistance to construct an effective and sustainable EMS, contributing to SDG Goals 3 (health) and 11 (cities).

an event scene in the meeting room At the kick-off event in Laos