

Measures of our university after the period covered by the declaration of a state of emergency

April 30, 2020

To: Students, Faculty Members, and Employees

Measures of our university after the period covered by the declaration of a state of emergency

As of April 16, 2020, the future handling of the declaration of a state of emergency issued by the government is not yet determined at the current moment, however, considering the existing situation of growing infection spread nationwide, our university shall continue to the existing system on the basis of the "Request in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the expansion nationwide of target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency" as of April 17, 2020 for the time being. Furthermore, this system may vary by changes in the future situation. In that case, we will keep you updated.

The current situation of our university is also shown in the "State of activities of our university" so students, faculty members, and employees should take measures appropriate to this state of activities.

INAGAKI Toshiyuki

Vice President for General Affairs

COVID-19 Response Team

Related Link

Request in regard to the handling of our university contingent to the expansion nationwide of target regions of the declaration of a state of emergency (April 17, 2020)