Japan Central Asia Exchange Forum was held in collaboration with the Nippon Foundation and JACAFA
The Nippon Foundation Central Asia-Japan Human Resource Development Project (NIPCA Project) invited five alumni and alumnae (one from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, and two from Kyrgyzstan) and Ms. Kyoko Vrboski, Chairperson, from Japan Central Asia Friendship Association (JACAFA) on June 24 and 25, 2019, for facility tours as well as an international exchange forum on innovation. On 24th, they visited the facilities related to innovation, including the Proton Medical Research Center, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine and Center for Cybernics Research. On 25th, they took part in a large space experience tour at the Empower Studio, a special lecture on innovation by Director of the Board of TX Entrepreneur Partners, and a lunch meeting with students from Central Asia in the University of Tsukuba. In the afternoon, we held a "Japan Central Asia Exchange Forum: Human Resource Development and Innovation in the Central Asia Republics" hosted by the Nippon Foundation and JACAFA (cooperated by NIPCA Project) at the University of Tsukuba Central Library. The JACAFA alumni and alumnae, a professor and two graduate students from our university presented their views on innovation in Central Asian countries and Japan, and lively exchanged their opinions.

A visit to the Proton Medical Research Center

A visit to the Empowerment Studio
A presentation by an alumna of JACAFA

A commemorative photo after the exchange forum