

Nature INDEX Pick-up in September

Nature INDEX, a research database website operated by Springer Nature, includes a webpage that introduces the University of Tsukuba.

In the Research highlights on the Nature INDEX, research articles written by faculty members of the University of Tsukuba are listed. The articles on the list are chosen by an editorial team of Springer Nature once a month, from among those published in 68 high-quality science journals.

This month, it features on the research by the gouroup of Professor Akiyoshi Fukamizu and others of the Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA).

"Bowel disease drug shows unexpected mechanism"

* Nature INDEX Homepage


* Nature INDEX: Profile page of the University of Tsukuba
https://www.natureindex.com/institution- outputs/japan/university-of-tsukuba/513906bb34d6b65e6a0001aa

* Nature INDEX Research highlights: University of Tsukuba