

Graduate Eligibility for Admission

Ⅰ Graduate School Application Eligibility

Those who wish to apply for the graduate school entrance examination should confirm whether they fall under "A. Those who do not need to be screened for eligibility" or "B. Those who need to be screened for eligibility" according to the "Details of Eligibility" in Table 1 below.
However, please note that there are some examinations, such as the Special Selection Process for Recommended Applicants and the Special Selection Process for Working Individuals, for which "application requirements" are specified in the application guideline, so please check carefully.

Table 1. Details of Eligibility and Application Procedures

Master's Program
Doctoral Program
4-year Doctoral Program in medicine

Result of the confirmation

Those who fall under "A. Those who do not need to be screened for eligibility" should apply in time for the application period.
Those who fall into the category of "B. Those who need to be screened for eligibility" should apply according to "Ⅱ Application for Eligibility Screening".

Ⅱ Application for Eligibility Screening

Please read the "Eligibility Screening Details" in Table 1 above carefully, obtain an application form from "III Contact Information for Graduate School Eligibility Screening", and submit the application within the "Application Period" in Table 2.

Table 2. List of Application Periods for "Application Eligibility Screening

Examination Period
Application Period for Application Eligibility Screening
July 2024
From the day after the application guidelines are released to Wed, May 22, 2024
August 2024
From the day after the application guidelines are released to Wed, July 3, 2024
October 2024
From the day after the application guidelines are released to Thu, August 29, 2024
January to February 2025
From the day after the application guidelines are released to Tue, November 26, 2024

Ⅲ Contact Information for Graduate School Eligibility Screening

1.Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences
 1)Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences

?Academic Service Office for the Humanities and Social Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: hass_admission#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 2)Degree Programs in Business Sciences
  Law School Program (J.D.)
  MBA Program in International Business

?Academic Service Office for the Business Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: businessentrance#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

2.Graduate School of Science and Technology
 1)Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences

?Academic Service Office for the Pure and Applied Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: nyushi-pas#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 2)Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering

?Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: sysinfo.admission#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 3)Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
  Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences

?Academic Service Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: seimeiin-nyushi#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 4)Master's/Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation

?Office of Master's/Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: life-innov#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

3.Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
 1)Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences "Human Sciences"

?Academic Service Office for the Human Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: ningen-dnyushi#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 2)Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences "Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences"
  Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
  Joint Doctoral Program in Advanced Physical Education and Sports for Higher Education

?Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: daigakuin.taigeiss#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 3)Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences "Medical and Health Sciences"

?Academic Service Office for the Medical Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: medgra-nyushi#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 4)Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences "Informatics"

?Academic Service Office for the Library, Information and Media Science Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: tosyoss-daigakuin#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 5)International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health

?(GIP-TRIAD) Office, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: gip_info#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 6)Doctoral Program in Human Biology

?Office of Doctoral Program in Human Biology, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: hbp-ad#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 7)Master's/Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation

?Office of Master's/Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: life-innov#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

 8)Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences "Tokyo Campus"

?Academic Service Office for the Business Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: businessentrance#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")

4.School of Integrative and Global Majors
 1)Ph.D. Program in Humanics

?Office of Ph.D. Program in Humanics, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: hx-ad#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Replace "#@#" with "@.")